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Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

TITLE evidence
Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

TITLE evidence
Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.
Sirmione 360 degrees. Shake had the privilege of creating a journey through the treasures of the renowned lakeside resort. The city, a jewel set on the shores of Lake Garda, captures the imagination with its thousand-year history, Roman remains, and scenic beauty. Through the lens of the TITAN 360 video camera, [...]
Ganassini Institute
Inside the Ganassini Institute Laboratories, we have created an immersive production that can transport the viewer inside the working environments and simultaneously see the various stages of study, production and testing. At the entrance to each laboratory, Research and Development - Control and Quality - Microbiology, we were greeted by the [...]
Belvedere in Cernobbio 360°
Cernobbio, a scenic, historical and tourist jewel that generously bestows its beauty. For the City of Cernobbio, we created a unique immersive experience. An ideal trip that every visitor should take to the beautiful location on Lake Como. The journey, Belvedere in Cernobbio 360°, divided into three parts, the route reveals [...]
Fortress of Lonato
The majestic Rocca di Lonato, imposing on high ground on the shores of Lake Garda, enchants visitors with its ancient ruins and breathtaking scenery. For the Ugo da Como Foundation, we created an extraordinary immersive video entitled "The Senses and Enchantment of the Treasures of Garda and its Hills." Exploring the [...]
Focus Live
Focus Live 2023: An Immersive Experience at Milan's Museum of Science and Technology Focus Live is the science popularization festival that took place from November 3-5, 2023. The event focused on innovation, creativity and curiosity, presenting 40 installations in five thematic areas. Technology, Sustainability, Science, Space and Health were the focus [...]
University of Rome “Foro Italico”
For the University of Rome "Foro Italico" we made an institutional video aimed at representing the University Institute both to students, talking about the variety of teaching and future outlets, and to stakeholders, in general to all those private and public partners who play a role in the life and development [...]
Giovanni Soldini in Hologram
Focus Live 2023 was a triumph of innovation and engagement at the Milan Museum of Technology. The festival kicked off with an unforgettable holographic interview led by Raffaele Leone with renowned sailor Giovanni Soldini. How were we able to produce this effect? Weeks before, we shot Raphael's interview with John in [...]
Christmas of Wonders – Varese
For the City of Varese, we realized designed the Garden of Wonders, the centerpiece of the city's Christmas festivities. First we studied morphology and historical value of the Este Palace and Gardens then proposed an emotional scenic setting. The interior facade of the Estense Palace was thus transformed, through videomapping, into [...]
40 years of Sunday
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Sunday insert IL SOLE 24ORE organized the event: 40 years of "Domenica" at the Castello Sforzesco in Milan. The public event was held on Dec. 12 and was open to about 200 people. The centerpiece of the event was the talk-show where, in addition [...]
Holographic Nativity Scene
During the Christmas Festivities in Cernobbio, the City Of Toys presented the Holographic Nativity Scene, a world premiere. The nativity scene was on public display from December 8, 2023 to January 7, 2024 in Our Lady of Grace Church. What is it all about? The term hologram refers to the projection [...]
Rilastil Event
On March 16, we "designed" for Istituto Ganassini an event dedicated to the Rilastil world. Milan's Castello Sforzesco colored its inner courtyards blue for the occasion. This was the atmosphere that greeted the 240 guests who had an extraordinary opportunity: an exclusive guided tour of the Pietà Rondanini. The event took [...]
Journey to Rovaniemi
During the 29th edition of Città dei Balocchi in Cernobbio (CO) from Dec. 7 to Jan. 8, Villa Erba Park was transformed into a magical Christmas village. Light shows, talking trees, videomapping, craft markets, skating rink, circus and puppet theater enlivened the Park. Among the initiatives, the Fantastic Journey to Rovaniemi [...]

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.