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Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

TITLE evidence
Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

TITLE evidence
Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.
BEKO chooses to meet its sales accounts in the immersive room of the Hotel Enterprise in Milan, Italy. This officially opens the week of Salone del Mobile and EuroCucina. In addition to increasingly innovative and high-performance products, strategies and future partnerships were also explained. The seats, arranged in a semicircle, allowed [...]
Pavilion Zero
Pavilion Zero at Expo 2015 in Milan is the structure that welcomes visitors and tells us the agricultural and food history of humanity. The Pavilion commissioned by the UN, designed by architect Michele De Lucchi and curated by Davide Rampello, housed the Landscapes Hall in the final part of the route. [...]
ABB’s red thread
We recounted the evolution of the home electrical system over a century of history and the pioneering role played by ABB. We told about it in road-show developed throughout the country and divided into 20 stops where ABB met with selected installers. ABB's red thread runs through the graphic wall (a [...]
Enterprise Hotel
Hotel Enterprise in Milan is the only one in Italy to have an immersive room inside, a Room360° with rectilinear walls. What does it mean? Seamless films are projected on the walls; the guest is then completely enveloped by the images and involved by a motivational and emotional soundtrack. The system [...]
Final Four Volleyball
At Mandela Forum in Florence is staging the Final Four Samsung Galaxy A Women's Volleyball Italian Cup, a competition played by Imoco Volley Conegliano - Igor Gorgonzola Novara - Savino Del Bene Scandicci - Liu Jo Nordmeccanica Modena. Before each match, a video mapping opens the Italian Cup memory book and [...]
IConto is the Payment Institution of InfoCamere. To explain its features and benefits, we have created a motion-graphic video that users can view on the homepage of the site and which provides a quick overview of the various possibilities for access and integration with Public Administration services. [...]
Calabiana – HUB
In the Calabiana- Hub cultural hub, the need was to create a welcome lounge area that would be welcoming and appealing while concealing the exhibition space behind it. That is why we installed on the 25-meter glass window of the Green House area: a rear projection film 4 video projectors 16,000 [...]
There is no Milan
The institutional film of the Milan Municipal Police Corps shows the presence of the Vigili in the daily life of the city. It chronicles their integration into the urban fabric. Production took place in Milan, supported by film equipment and personnel. Proprietary immersive filming technology was key. In fact, we shot [...]
Mattel Summit
Anticipate news and strategies to the Marketing and Sales Team of Emerging Markets in the Europe, Middle East and Africa Area. This was the purpose of the Summit that took place in Frankfurt at the German headquarters of Mattel . The Show-Room was transformed into an auditorium capable of accommodating 80 [...]
Cinecittà Studios has opened to the public with the Cinecittà si Mostra project, a project that aims to enhance its historical and architectural heritage by allowing visitors to tour the sets and exhibition routes through the sets, costumes, props, films and period photographs. Cinecittà si Mostra exerts a strong appeal on [...]
To present the model and color variations of the AIMONT safety shoeas if it were a fashionable sneaker . To do this, we made a 1:10 scale prototype of the shoe, placed it in front of a rear projection screen, and brought the narrative to life. The video on the wall [...]
Pan B is a new format in the baking world, a story born under a glass bell. To tell this story, we chose an ultrawide format with the purpose of being broadcast in the multi-screen of the venue. It is tradition evolving while using the primary, simple, selected and genuine ingredients. [...]

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.

Exhibit Design, Merchandising, Video
Lorem Ipsum is a placeholder text used in the typography and printing industry. Lorem Ipsum has been considered the standard placeholder text since the 16th century, when an anonymous printer took a box of typefaces and assembled them to prepare a sample text. It has survived not only more than five centuries, but also the transition to video pagination, reaching us substantially unchanged. It was popularized, in the 1960s, with the spread of “Letraset” transferable character sheets, which contained passages from Lorem Ipsum, and more recently by page layout software such as Aldus PageMaker, which included versions of Lorem Ipsum.